Air transport to Brazil | Air export to Brazil

Update date:
21 May 2024
Date of publication:
26 Apr 2024
Reading time: 5 minutes

Table of contents:

Brazil is becoming an increasingly promising market with a GDP of US$1.92 trillion (2022). Brazil's economy ma duże znaczenie na rynku łacińskim oraz w skali światowej. Kraj ten jest liderem w wielu dziedzinach, a air transport odgrywa kluczową rolę w imporcie towarów zarówno z Europy jak i innych regionów Ameryki Południowej. Wielkość importu do Brazylii z Unii Europejskiej w w 2022 r wyniósł 44.3 Biliona USD. Największym miastem w Brazylii jest Sao Paulo z liczbą ludności 12.33 mln. 

How long does it take to fly from Poland to Brazil ?

The time it takes to transport airfreight from Poland to Brazil depends mainly on the air service you choose. Air freight from Poland to Brazil takes on average 2 to 7 days. 

Costs and fees associated with air transport/export to Brazil 

The prices for air transport to Brazil are very dependent on the service we choose, the weight of the cargo, the destination and the time we want to send the cargo. For this reason, the current cost of transport should be checked on a regular basis.

Air transport rates are calculated per kilogram of cargo. However, there are occasions when cargo weighs very little and takes up a lot of space by volume. For this reason, airlines have adopted the principle of calculating payable weight and actual weight. If the weight of the cargo on 1 CBM exceeds 167 kg, the actual weight, i.e. how much the cargo actually weighs, is used. However, if, for example, the cargo weighs 100 kg and occupies 1 CBM, the weight will not be calculated from the actual weight, but from the payable weight, i.e. we will pay for 167 kg.  

In air transport, the larger the cargo we send, the better the rates we can count on. The rate per kilo of cargo when shipping 1,000 kg will be much lower than when shipping 100 kg. 

What makes up the costs in air transport to Brazil 

→ export clearance in PL 

→ airport costs in PL 

→ air freight Poland - Brazil

→ airport costs in Brazil

→ Customs clearance in Brazil

→ Road transport from airport to customer warehouse in Brazil  

What goods are not allowed to be transported by air ? 

→ gases and dangerous goods 

→ batteries are subject to special restrictions

→ certain chemicals

Insurance in air transport to Brazil

If you are sending goods by air to Brazil, it is worth taking out Cargo insurance, which will protect you against any risks associated with cargo damage. The cost of such insurance is, depending on the value of the goods, from a dozen to even several hundred USD if the value of the cargo is very high.

In the event of unforeseen events and damage, cargo insurance will save us a lot of stress and nerves. 

Most frequently exported goods from Poland to Brazil

Brazil imports many products from Poland, below are the most frequently exported goods by Polish p

Merchandise Value Year
Machinery and equipment, nuclear reactors, boilers $163.58M 2023
Electrical, electronic products $82.21M 2023
Pharmaceutical products $74.26M 2023
Vehicles other than railways, trams $68.96M 2023
Rubber articles $44.63M 2023
Plastics $28.49M 2023
Flour products, malt, starch, wheat gluten $23.97M 2023
Articles of iron or steel $22.32M 2023
Optical, photo, technical, medical instruments $21.77M 2023
Mineral fuels, oils, distillation products $19.10M 2023
Cereals, flour, starch, dairy preparations and products $12.65M 2023
Miscellaneous base metal articles $10.37M 2023
Cocoa and cocoa products $9.93M 2023
Inorganic chemicals, precious metal compounds, isotopes $9.89M 2023
Paper and board, articles of pulp, paper and board $9.31M 2023
Ceramic products $9.21M 2023
Sugars and sugar confectionery $8.77M 2023
Stone, gypsum, cement, asbestos, mica or similar materials $7.64M 2023
Organic chemicals $5.45M 2023
Miscellaneous chemical products $5.38M 2023
Railway locomotives, tramway rolling stock rail, equipment $4.53M 2023
Essential oils, perfumes, cosmetics, toiletries $4.17M 2023
Aircraft, spacecraft $3.80M 2023
Aluminium $3.78M 2023
Various food preparations $3.59M 2023
Artificial fertilisers $2.54M 2023
Impregnated, coated or laminated textile fabrics $2.32M 2023
Furniture, lighting, signs, prefabricated buildings $2.14M 2023
Glass and glassware $1.68M 2023
Food industry waste, animal feed $1.13M 2023
Tanning extracts, dyes, tannins, their derivatives, pigments $1.12M 2023
Tools, instruments, cutlery made of base metals $1.10M 2023
Toys, games, sports equipment $891.93K 2023
Salt, sulphur, earth, stone, gypsum, lime and cement $869.20K 2023
Coffee, tea, mate and spices $846.08K 2023
Articles of apparel, not knitted or crocheted $749.57K 2023
Copper $706.90K 2023
Albuminoids, modified starches, glues, enzymes $679.98K 2023
Wadding, felt, non-woven materials, fibres, cords, ropes $678.45K 2023
Articles of apparel, knitted or crocheted $601.40K 2023
Footwear, gaiters and the like $573.12K 2023
Vegetables, fruits, nuts, food preparations $545.94K 2023
Beverages, spirits and vinegar $512.85K 2023
Leather goods, animal guts, harnesses, travel goods $502.50K 2023
Edible fruits, nuts, citrus peel, melons $436.15K 2023
Vegetable oils, oleaginous fruits, grains, fruits $408.02K 2023
Miscellaneous manufactures $398.70K 2023
Iron and steel $288.00K 2023
Artificial fibres $286.77K 2023
Other textiles, kits, used clothing $235.95K 2023
Headgear $219.91K 2023
Printed books, newspapers, paintings $218.25K 2023
Edible vegetables, certain roots and tubers $217.03K 2023
Soaps, lubricants, waxes, candles, modelling compounds $210.34K 2023
Tobacco and tobacco substitutes $197.61K 2023
Wood and wood products, charcoal $157.69K 2023
Pearls, precious stones, metals, coins $79.72K 2023
Ores, slag and ash $59.19K 2023
Explosives, pyrotechnics, matches, pyrophorics $55.25K 2023
Clocks and watches $51.72K 2023

Air transport from Poland to Brazil - summary

Rynek Brazylijski stanowi dobre źródło pozyskiwania nowych klientów ze względu na wzrastającą ekonomię. Jest to ciekawy opcja dla firm planujących zagraniczną ekspansję Polski w Ameryce Łacińskiej.  Jeśli planujesz maritime transport i lotniczy, niezależnie czy jest  transport drobnicowy, pełnokontenerowy to zapraszamy do kontaktu. Zapewnimy wsparcie na każdym etapie transportu Twoich produktów do Brazylii. Również organizujemy transport z Brazylii do Europy. W Brazylii, największe porty morskie to Santos i Rio de Janeiro, które obsługują import i eksport towarów. Transport z Polski do Brazylii może być realizowany zarówno drogą morską jak i lotniczą. 

The Brazilian market is very attractive for importers from Europe, including Poland, as the country offers many opportunities to import various types of goods, including soya, fertilisers or agri-food products. Thanks to modern container ports such as Santos and Paranagua, sea transport to Brazil is very accessible. 

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