Sea and air transport from Vietnam / imports from Vietnam

Update date:
21 May 2024
Date of publication:
21 Nov 2023
Reading time: 6 minutes

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In 2022, the value of Vietnam's gross domestic product (GDP) was approximately US$406.45 billion and is expected to increase to US$725.5 billion by 2028. GDP is the sum of the value of all services and goods produced in a country in a year and is an important indicator of a country's economic strength.

Over the past 20 years, Vietnam has established itself as one of the most important manufacturing destinations in Southeast Asia. From 1986 to 2018, the area of industrial parks has grown from 335 hectares to an impressive 80,000 hectares. Due to its low labour costs, Vietnam has attracted significant investment over the years, enabling the establishment of assembly plants and production factories. Raw materials and mechanical parts for manufacturing are key imports. Raw materials for manufacturing are imported into the country and manufactured products are exported, requiring an efficient logistics sector to support the country's manufacturing sector.

The country is developing as an export-driven economy. The government is encouraging and attracting investment in the manufacturing sector by establishing economic zones and industrial parks. The manufacturing and processing sector received the highest foreign direct investment in 2017, close to 44% of the total. In recent years, the number of companies relocating their operations from China to Vietnam has been increasing. Rising costs in China, a shift away from labour-intensive industries and a move to higher value-added levels are prompting companies to relocate their production facilities to Southeast Asia, and Vietnam's proximity and geographical location make this an attractive option. In addition, Vietnam has many trade agreements (some 17 free trade agreements), creating a favourable business environment for domestic and foreign companies.

Vietnam's current and projected GDP 1987-2027  

 Sea transport from Vietnam to Poland

Maritime transport is one of the most common modes of transport for importing goods from Vietnam to Poland.With a coastline of 3,260 kilometres and numerous rivers criss-crossing the country, Vietnam has great potential for transporting marine. In 2018, Vietnam's seaports handled 524.7 million tonnes of cargo, an increase of 19% compared to 2017.

How long does it take to transport by sea from Vietnam to Poland ? 

On average, the transport time by sea from Vietnam to Poland is about 30-38 days. There are services that take longer, all depending on the ship's route and how many ports it will enter along the way. 

Air transport from Vietnam to Poland

Air transport is another option to consider when importing goods from Vietnam to Poland. While it can be more costly than shipping, it has a number of advantages that can tip the balance in favour of businesses. One of the biggest advantages is the speed of delivery. Air transport allows goods to be transported from Vietnam to Poland in about two to nine days. It all depends on the line and service we choose. This is a much shorter time than sea transport, which can be important for entrepreneurs who need fast delivery of goods.

Another advantage of air transport is the possibility of transshipment at European air terminals. Most direct air links between Vietnam and Poland require transshipment at one of Europe's major air terminals, such as Frankfurt or Paris.  

How long does it take to fly from Vietnam to Poland? 

Air transport from Vietnam to Poland takes between 2 and 9 days. It all depends on the airline and service you choose. 

Alternatives: Rail transport from Vietnam to Poland

Rail transport offers an alternative to traditional forms of transporting goods from Vietnam to Poland. Although there are no direct rail links between the two countries, there is an interesting option to transport goods to China, for example to Chongqing, from where there are direct goods trains to Europe. Such transport can be beneficial for entrepreneurs who want to benefit from the advantages of transporting railsuch as shorter delivery times compared to sea transport and lower costs compared to air transport.

Rail transport from Vietnam to Poland can be a little more logistically complex than traditional forms of transport. However, many transport companies offer comprehensive logistics services and can help organise this type of transport. Entrepreneurs should also take into account the time it takes to transship goods in China and possible delays due to various factors such as weather or the load on rail terminals. Nevertheless, rail transport can be an attractive option for entrepreneurs looking for alternative transport solutions from Vietnam to Poland.

How long does it take for rail transport from Vietnam to Poland? 

Rail transport from Vietnam to Poland is from 14 to 27 days. It all depends on the period in which we send the goods and the service we choose. 

Main seaports in Vietnam

Vietnam has several major seaports that play a key role in international trade. The most important of these are:

Name of Port Location Main destinations
Saigon Port Ho Chi Minh City Singapore, USA, Denmark
Hai Phong Port Haifong Panama, Singapore
Da Nang Port Han River Myanmar, Thailand, Laos

Saigon Port, located in Ho Chi Minh City, is the main port complex in Vietnam. It handles millions of containers a year and is connected to countries such as Singapore, the US and Denmark. Hai Phong Port is located in Haifong City and serves northern Vietnam. It is an important industrial centre and has connections to countries such as Panama and Singapore. In contrast, Da Nang Port, located at the mouth of the Han River, mainly serves Myanmar, Thailand and Laos, but also has connections to other long-distance countries.

Use of EVFTA in imports from Vietnam

The EVFTA free trade agreement has had a significant impact on Vietnamese imports to Poland. One of the main effects of this agreement is the removal of most tariffs for products imported from Vietnam. From August 2020 to May 2021, Poland recorded an increase in trade with Vietnam by more than 21%, which puts our country at the forefront of European Union countries in terms of this indicator 

The EVFTA agreement benefits various industries. The textile and garment industry can benefit from the elimination of tariffs on their products, which can increase textile and garment imports from Vietnam. The electronics and machinery industry can also benefit from lower import costs for electronic and mechanical equipment. In addition, the agreement opens up new opportunities for the service sector and companies operating in the public procurement market, which gain access to the Vietnamese market. It is noteworthy that the EVFTA agreement provides for the phasing out of all tariffs on products imported from the EU to Vietnam and 99% tariffs on goods from Vietnam to the EU.

Documents required for imports from Vietnam to Poland

When importing goods from Vietnam to Poland, there are several documents that are necessary for customs clearance. It is important that documents are prepared in advance to avoid delays and problems during import. Below is a list of the most important documents:

  • Commercial invoice - a document issued by the manufacturer containing information about the goods, the value of the transaction and the terms of delivery.
  • Waybill - a document confirming the carriage of goods, particularly important in the case of maritime transport (bill of lading).
  • Certificate of origin - a document certifying the origin of the goods, which may be required to benefit from the customs preferences under the EVFTA.
  • Certificates - Depending on the type of goods, different types of certification may be required, such as a CE certificate for electronic products or a fumigation certificate for products made of wood.

It is worth remembering that the list of required documents may vary depending on the type of goods and the customs regulations in force in Poland. Entrepreneurs should consult experienced transport companies or customs advisors to ensure that they have all the necessary documents prepared before importing.

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